Marketing Never Stops!

That's a message from our team for all the Marketeers and Professionals out there: Life never stops...Marketing niether! Coronavirus is a reality. For some of us it's a worst case scenario and for others a challenge to work from home. Indeed for all of us it's great opportunity to envision and plan the world after the coronavirus. First we believe that all the marketeers have a special role among the society during the pandemic. That role is enforced from the spare time for content consumption the most of us have since the outbreak. On the one hand marketeers must convince people to strictly follow the government measures but on the other hand marketeers mush show to people the light at the end of the tunnel. Imagine yourself walking a dark tunnel with not any sign for the exit, all you need is a buddy to brace you up ,telling you that life is wonderful out there, giving that extra motivation for the next step. So let marketing be that buddy for every person in the wo...