Marketing Never Stops!

That's a message from our team for all the Marketeers and Professionals out there: Life never stops...Marketing niether!
Coronavirus is a reality. For some of us it's a worst case scenario and for others a challenge to work from home. Indeed for all of us it's great opportunity to envision and plan the world after the coronavirus.
First we believe that all the marketeers have a special role among the society during the pandemic. That role is enforced from the spare time for content consumption the most of us have since the outbreak. On the one hand marketeers must convince people to strictly follow the government measures but on the other hand marketeers mush show to people the light at the end of the tunnel. Imagine yourself walking a dark tunnel with not any sign for the exit, all you need is a buddy to brace you up ,telling you that life is wonderful out there, giving that extra motivation for the next step. So let marketing be that buddy for every person in the world.
At a second point stop acting and planning is fatal. We are living in a world that is moving faster than we can even think. Stop posting, communicating and so on will be very harmful for your brand. Your brand lives and can be angry, happy, sad, excited, doubtful and much more, all you need is to express it. Planning for the future is the most important. Its a great opportunity for us to give this special attention that we were desperate for to think and plan something great. So don't stop planning your campaigns, your promotions, your giveaways. It's actually the right time!
Third, the spread of the coronavirus created many habits for all of us and some of them are going to stay for much longer time that the virus itself. (surely the fights of toilet paper is not one of them!). Working from home, leave to door delivery, online driven sales, stocking of necessary consumer goods are some of those habits that invade our lifestyle. So which of them do you believe that will stay longer?
Our company is working normally with prevention measures against the corona virus. We are working under the scheme order with safety - pay with safety - delivery with safety.
Our new collection 2020-2021 will provide with many ideas how to promote effectively your business. Giveaways and promotional material, signage and display items, clothing , printings are only some of the items you may find at our 592 pages online catalogue
Hercules Cyprus
tel: 77777001

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